For over 48 years, The Justice Education Center mission has been to improve the lives of children, youth and adults through increasing community safety, reducing crime and violence, and providing educational and wellness opportunities for Connecticut’s children, youth, and families.
The Center’s core belief is that these efforts cannot be waged by systems alone. They require long-term working partnerships between state and municipal governments and the communities they serve.
Membership of The Center’s Board of Directors reflects this belief and includes leaders within Connecticut’s education, juvenile, criminal justice, and mental health systems, business,
The Justice Education Center responds to needs identified by state, municipal and community leaders through targeted investments and innovative programming.
In Honor
The Justice Education Center’s work is dedicated to the memories of the Honorable David M. Borden, Retired Supreme Court Justice and member of the Appellate Court. The Honorable Raymond R. Norko, founding Judge of the nationally-recognized Hartford Community Court. The Honorable Bernard Sullivan, retired Police Chief of Hartford and retired Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Public Safety (now DESPP). Mrs. Norma H. Schatz, Juvenile Justice Advocate.
As leading members of The Justice Education Center’s Board of Directors, their support and enthusiasm for The Center’s programs was unwavering.

Their visions and passion for justice will always serve as our steadfast guide and source of inspiration.